7 Slow Ways To Be Happy This Spring

Spring greetings from Earthzest Organics!
The beginning of a new season always puts us in a reflective mood. Here are seven simple suggestions to help improve your physical and mental wellbeing, even if you’re super busy.
Let go of your phone
Appreciate your quality of life in person, not through a phone. We’re all guilty of holding our phones far too much, especially when we go to bed. Try only picking your phone up for essential calls and text, and not browsing social media for a couple of days.
Use the time before you go to sleep for a moisturising wind-down ritual instead, to soothe your skin and help you sleep. Give your hands some attention with a massage, as a change from holding the smart ‘phone all day!
Eat Fresh
We’re all guilty of grabbing a bagel, pizza or chocolate bar when we’re starving or in a rush. Why not reverse that trend and take the time to buy yourself the best, juiciest fruit you can find? The age-old ritual of searching for that perfectly ripe peach or lush bunch of grapes can reconnect you to the real purpose of food – to nourish you and support your physical health and wellbeing.
Turn Up
It’s easy to stay behind a computer or telephone screen, and sometimes we can lose touch with the real-life people that make life so rich and interesting. Whether you’re tempted to cut a gym class to go see a band, or force yourself to pop to a book launch when it’s raining outside, live a little! Build social networks and hang out with people that share your interests and ideals to reconnect with your values and goals.
Use Aromatherapy
The smell of fresh coffee, baking bread, clean sheets or even a cute baby can have a positive psychological effect on stress and anxiety. Focus on your mental health and take an aromatherapy bath to shift the stresses and tensions of the day. But, make time to smell the roses – literally – and savour the fragrances of your everyday life to reconnect with the little things that make life beautiful.
Connect With Animals
Whether it’s feeding the ducks in the park or an unhurried walk with the dog, a sure way to feel more grounded is to make a connection with an animal. Even appreciating the beauty of wild animals on a Youtube video can put us in a different state of mind.
It’s easy to forget that we are animals too, and shifting our focus wild creatures or pets can recharge our batteries and take us out of our modern stress-bubbles for a while.
Grow Something
While the world seems to move so quickly, it’s hard to rush a houseplant or bed of flowers! If you have a neglected houseplant, take a week to tend to it and bring it back to life, or grow something from scratch on your kitchen or bathroom windowsill. Giving attention and energy to a living thing and watching it blossom is a positive antidote to the hectic ways of the world outside.
Help the birds
Giving selflessly is shown to have a positive effect on the emotions, and this time of year the birds are getting ready to lay eggs and tend to their young.
A simple bag of bird seed scattered on your lawn or windowsill is a lovely way to help local wildlife. If you have cats, then you can scatter seed in the park or anywhere away from hungry kitties.
Dry grass clippings and straw left in your garden (place on top of a hedge to keep them out of reach of cats) can also help birds by providing natural nesting material.
ABOUT US: We are a vegan, organic cosmetics company. We believe in kindness to animals and natural skincare. All of our products are certified vegan, organic and contain no synthetics, fillers or water.
- Earthzest Lifestyle Team
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